The Emotional Eating Academy
A transformative 4-month journey of uncovering your emotional eating triggers and healing your relationship with food.
It’s the exact step-by-step system that I’ve gleaned from helping hundreds of women deal with their life-long emotional eating struggles and lose the extra pounds for good.
And now?
I’m offering to become YOUR coach, cheerleader, and accountability partner - so that you can do the same.
Take control of your relationships with food, lose weight, and never “fall off the wagon”…
… By finally addressing the root cause of your problematic eating patterns & rewiring your brain to escape the cycle of emotional eating - forever.
Already know I’m speaking your language?
“I no longer feel like my whole day is ruined”
“I really didn’t want to label myself as an emotional eater at first but that’s exactly what it was. I could never stick to a diet plan of any kind. I would have a bad day at work, come home, and eat an entire bag of Goldfish crackers in one sitting. Then, I would feel so guilty about it that I would try to make myself throw up. The Emotional Eating Academy opened up so many doors for me. If something doesn’t go as planned, I no longer feel like my whole day is ruined. I have much better tools for dealing with that now. I felt really safe during the whole experience. I felt like I could talk about things that I can’t talk to my friends about because they just don’t get it. I’m pretty sure I cried during every single Zoom call.”
- Dakota N.